Episode 8: Living in the World but Not of the World

Aug 28, 2023    Pastor Johnny Johnson, Pastor Randy Helms, Steven Hicks

It's a phrase we've all heard so many times, "You must live IN the world, but not OF the world." Where is that verse in the Bible? Well, it's not there. Not in book, chapter, verse. However, the New Testament and Jesus has plenty to say about the subject. Living in the world, but not conforming to the ways of the world is a Biblical principle that is woven all throughout Scripture. The question is, how? How do we do it? How do we love the people of the world but not love the ways of the world? How do we exist within the constructs of this fallen creation, loving those who God has called us to love, without compromising our standards and way of life?

That's what this episode is all about! We are joined by our very own lead pastor, Johnny Johnson, and you don't want to miss this conversation! Grab some coffee, turn up the speakers (or headphones), and jump into this month's conversation. Also, you can join the conversation! Do you have a question or topic you'd like for us to address and unpack? Simply email us at theiaskedpodcast@gmail.com