My Best Friend, The Holy Spirit: Part 4

May 28, 2023    Pastor Johnny Johnson

Our best friend, the Holy Spirit, always gives the best gifts!

Awesome facts about the Holy Spirit:

1. The Prophetic PROMISE of the Holy Spirit

- Joel 2:28-29

- Acts 1:4-5

- Acts 2:1-8

- Tongues - (Greek: Glossa) = "The supernatural gift of speaking in another language without it having

been learned."

- Acts 2:32-33

- Acts 2:37-41

2. The Prophetic PURPOSE of the Holy Spirit

To give ordinary everyday believers the power to live for Jesus every day!

- Power to WITNESS

- Acts 1:8

- Power to PRAY

- Acts 1:13-14

- Romans 8:26-27

3. The Supernatural Prophetic GIFTS of the Holy Spirit

- 1 Cor. 12:7-11

- Three Categories of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit


1. Word of Wisdom

2. Word of Knowledge

3. Discernment of Spirits


4. Prophecy

5. Tongues (Languages)

6. Interpretation of Tongues (Languages)

- Demonstration Gifts

7. Faith

8. Gifts of Healing

9. Working of Miracles