Celebrate Jesus: Part 4

Apr 23, 2023    Pastor Randy Helms

"Jesus' obedience to the Father is a model for our obedience to Him."

Before the PROMISE could be fulfilled, Jesus had to go through a PROCESS.

Three times that Jesus walked in obedience:

1. In the Temple (His preparation):

- Luke 2:41-52

- God is our ultimate authority. We are obedient to Him FIRST, then our earthly


2. In the Jordan (His baptism):

- Matt. 3:13-17

- Jesus' baptism signified...

- one more step of obedience

- God' public expression of approval of Jesus

- the beginning of His earthly ministry.

3. In the Garden (His surrender):

- Matt. 26:36-46

- Jesus wanted His Father to do something different, but ultimately submitted to Him.

- Jesus surrendered to God and man that day.

How do we find freedom? Trust and obey!

How do we find fulfillment? Trust and obey!

How do we find forgiveness? Trust and obey!