Give It a Year

Dec 31, 2023    Pastor Randy Helms

On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate 2023? What would you or could you have done to make it better?

Each year, we all ask ourselves these questions and look to the new year as an opportunity to restart.

Commit these seven areas of your life to Jesus for one year. Commit your seven C's:

1. Creator - Your relationship with God.

- This is of the utmost importance.

- Commit to grow in your relationship with Jesus by spending time with Him daily.

2. Companion - Your relationship with your spouse.

- Commit to living according to the Scriptures in intimacy, spirit, soul, and body.

3. Children - Your relationship with your children.

- Commit to making disciples of your children.

4. Condition - Your relationship with yourself.

- Commit to your health, fitness, and ability to finish strong.

5. Career - Your relationship with your job.

- Commit to being the best boss or employee simply because we do it for the Lord, not man.

6. Church - Your relationship with your faith family.

- Commit to going all in with your church family.

- Serve. Join a small group. Take your next steps. School of Ministry. Baptism.

7. Compensation - Your relationship with your money.

- Be faithful in tithing and giving.

- Be a cheerful giver.

The secret to achieving these or any other kinds of goals consists of two things: Commitment and Consistency.