Under Cover: Part 2

Nov 12, 2023    Pastor Randy Helms

Four Divisions of Delegated Authority:

1. Civil: Presidents, government officials, law enforcement

2. Family: Parents, grandparents, legal guardians

3. Social: Bosses, teachers, coaches

4. Church: Oversees, pastors, elders, department heads

When you resist delegated authority, you resist God Himself.

All authority is of God, but not all authority is godly!

We must remember these things:

1. All authority is of God, but not all authority is Godly.

2. God is in control, not us. His ways, not ours. His plan, not ours.

3. Obedience is not unconditional, but having a submissive attitude is.

4. How you respond to leadership determines your future.

5. If you're in a position of subordination to a bad leader, unfair boss, or an ungodly supervisor, God wasn't surprised and wants to grow you. He may even want to use you to reach your leader.

What to do when under bad leadership:

1. Pray. Pray that God will show you the error of your ways. Pray for your leader.

2. Submit and obey.

3. Repent. Repent for any negative things you have said behind your boss's back. Repent for any gossip or slander that you have caused or participated in.